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Complete Form

Building Location

Land Use Category 1


New Gross Building Square Feet

Streets Assessment Area 2


Local Park Service Area or Providing Private Park 3



Estimated Impact Fee

Parks Impact Fee:



Streets Impact Fee:



Total Fee:




This estimator is valid only for fees assessed after 09/01/2018. This calculation is for estimation purposes only. Actual fees will be assessed by the Development Services Department. If your project includes a demolition or multiple uses download the Excel estimator here. Contact the Development Services Department at 297-2525 with any questions.


Click the Table link and scroll down in the page to locate the Land Use Categories Table. (If the land use of a development does not fit within a general land use category set forth in the Land Use Categories Table, then the City's Development Services Director will determine the appropriate land use category to which the land use of the development best fits.)


Click the Map link to determine the appropriate Street Assessment Area. The "New Growth" assessment area is automatically amended when the Comprehensive Plan's Urban-Low Intensity land use typology area is amended.


Click the Map link to determine whether the location is in a current Local Park Service Area. An exemption from 38% of the parks fee may be allowable under City Ordinance 38-1-L,T, or U if:
- private local parks are provided, or
- the development is located within an existing local park area.


In cases where existing buildings have been removed (with a permit issued after January 1, 2017) or will be removed, then replaced, the ordinance allows for a fee exemption to account for previously existing permitted floor space. In these cases, the amount of the exemption will be calculated by multiplying the amount of demolished floor space by the fee per square foot that would apply to the most recent legal conforming use prior to demolition. When multiple uses are involved, each use will be treated and calculated separately. The sum of the exemptions by use for each fee (parks development fee and streets development fee) will then be subtracted from the total impact fee for new building square footage for each fee. No credit or refunds will be given in cases where the fee for new building square footage is less than that of the exemption amount for any demolished structure(s), regardless of use(s). Exemptions for one development fee may not be used, credited or applied to the other development fees.


Fees are paid at building permit issuance. If fee payment is delayed until certificate of occupancy issuance, then the fee will be calculated under the prevailing rates at that time.

6 The City may grant a developer an exemption to streets development fees equal to the cost of developer-constructed improvements approved by the City and up to, but not in excess of the amount of the streets development fees for the designated development.

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